Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


Spousie was out fishing the entire day and it was only when he called me to ask to be met at the harbour that I realised I hadn't taken any photos all day, so here is a quick snap of this year's sweet potato harvest.

For the past several years we have grown the delicious round sweet potatoes with pink skins and orange flesh. The original source of these had been bought by a friend in the organic section of an English supermarket. We left last year's crop in the ground too long and they were completely destroyed by the snow. So the next time I saw sweet potatoes in our local supermarket I bought one to begin the process all over again. We have now discovered much to our disappointment that these are a rather flavourless, elongated, white-fleshed variety. We shall shortly be sending an emissary to Britain to find us a replacement untreated round potato with orange flesh.

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