Buddigarth, Stove

The winds dropped through the night and gradually through the day.  It's a lovely calm evening tonight.  There's has been showers all day, and the odd sunny spell thrown in. 

A slept well at Julie's, and woke up with giggling coming through the house.  A fine family morning around the kitchen table, the showers put me off a walk.  After lunch, we all headed to the Baltasound hall for tea and the craft fair.  What a great success again, bought a few things, but the tearoom was jammed!  Time to catch the ferries home, and say our goodbyes.  A quiet night at home, with the fire roaring, and been out for a couple of walks with Sammy.  Now time for a modern western movie.

Me and my nieces went for a peerie run in the car before the craft fair, and ended up at Stove, not far from my sister's.  I do love this peerie croft house, with it's blue door that stands out.  The sheep and crows seem to like it too.  I have blipped it's neighbour before, both similar names, and this Buddigarth, it's neighbour has one less D.  Taken at Stove, Unst.  

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