Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Cocktails of the unexpected

Had the rare experience of driving into work alone today as TSM was working at home prior to a conference this afternoon. I remembered how to drive fortunately and was rescued from the prospect of breakfasting alone when my DNDN (desk next door neighbour) begged some toast and peanut butter off of me. She has promised me a vegan treat on Thursday by way of a thank you. Can’t wait to see what that looks like.

The day was full of interruptions plus a couple of teleconferences. I did manage to get out at lunchtime. The big issue seller in Leatherhead collared me and said she had five children and a bad back.  Not my job to believe her or disbelieve her. I gave her a fiver for the paper and counted my blessings. Even if it was all lies and she was spending it on heroine my life is undoubtedly better than hers. I don’t believe in asking people for business cases for you to show them compassion.

Got angry about Brexit again today. I really need to find an outlet for this, but it is so insane. £57bn to walk away from something you need. Truly bloody ridiculous. Vented my anger on Facebook which is pointless. Oh well.

I went home at 3pm and worked with a cat on my lap and a vegan sausage roll sandwich in my hand. Yes you hear me right. Where does it say you can’t put a sausage roll between two slices of bread?  Gave that up about two hours later and then started  watching Star Trek Discovery (Episode 7, where their arch enemy steps out of the stomach of an intergalactic whale and kills everyone before activating a time loop that means they have to live variations of the same half hour over and over again - 53 times). TSM texted me at this point and said she was stuck in a bar with some conference colleagues and an excess of happy hour cocktails, so I had to walk into town and help them drink them. Nothing like unexpected alcohol to put me in a good mood.

Ready to crash now. Another day that took on a life of its own and left me dumped on my backside staring at the ceiling of eternity. Maybe I too am stuck in a time loop ....

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