Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Collateral damage

The price you pay for switching IT supplier is (at best) some minor disruption to your business critical services and information infrastructure and, additionally, a lot of washing up. I mean these guys (and one or two gals) drink a lot of tea and coffee. But I guess that’s inevitable. When you are deep in the mire of IP addresses and those endless circles that seem to get stuck on “37% complete” for hours, you need a bit of caffeine to keep you awake.

For myself I have no complaints. I felt the geek love and all my logging in and installation hurdles proceeded more or les smoothly. Just as well as it was in every other respect a tiring day. My email box looks like someone has emptied their desk drawer into, it is so full of crap and loose ends, and I have a mountain of work to catch up on.

As for Meghan Markle and the Royal Lad, I really don’t see what all the excitement is. The main function of the monarchy is to help the establishment maintain the status quo and I don’t know why people fall for it. But then I’ve always been anti-royal and always will be. I wish them well on a personal level, as far as I can see they are not unpleasant people.

Chilly forecasts in the offing. Must buy that long winter underwear ...

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