The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

With A Little Help From My Friends

Dear Givers of Treats,

I made some AWESOME new friends yesterday. I am VERY popular. The Princess and I were at the top of the hill just as it was just starting to get light. I went running ahead to check it was safe because I am the BRAVEST boy and found some young humans sitting just over the top. They must have known I was coming because they had their cameras ready. The Princess says I am VERY HANDSOME. I jumped RIGHT into the middle of them to say HELLO and to my surprise, they had laid out a picnic for me. I was DELIGHTED and I just tucked right in. The Princess came running up shouting ‘Noooooo’. I think she must have wanted me to leave some of the picnic for her. She can be VERY demanding. The young humans were laughing a lot. They were very happy that I had arrived at their party. The Princess KEPT calling me but one of the boy humans wanted to throw my ball so I wasn’t going to be rude and ignore him.

The Princess came to take me away*. She really needs to learn to be more sociable. Then she could have as many friends as me.


*I did run back a couple of times to say goodbye

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