
We had a long drive today - several hours on a rough un-made road before we reached the Pan-American Highway at the Pacific coast. It rained most of the day.

We stopped for coffee and bought a big takeaway sandwich to share for lunch later. The main attraction was the the commercial orchid enterprise we were able to look at. There were some beautiful flowers, some very showy and others more delicate and subtle.

The lunch stop was at a horrible complex with huge shops of tat being bought by people from the US and Chinese cruise ships. I overheard one chap say “I don’t need this visor but I’m going to buy it”.

We were interested in trying to spot macaws and did a detour to a lovely old fishing village where the guide thought there might be some. They were pretty well hidden in the trees. However further on he spotted some which were easy to see as they were on a dead tree. He is such a good spotter - we had to squelch up a track into a field to get close enough but they were gorgeous.

We also stopped at a bridge to view masses of American crocodiles.

We reached our hotel in time before dark to have a walk - in the rain - to the beach. It is 30 degrees and very humid with all the rain. On the way back up the hill to the hotel we saw a white-faced monkey stalking along the wires.

We have to be out at 7 am to get into the NP before it gets too busy. More walking round looking for creatures hiding from the rain!

I’m sorry I’m not seeing your blips - it takes so long to load and we have so little time!

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