Early Bird

Trying to learn my lesson from last week's mistake and get out to the estuary before the sun rises. The alarm went off on time and I looked out on a cloudless sky that didn't promise much for a good sunrise. Never mind, as well getting out and being ready in case anything worthwhile materialises.

I love a cold still Autumn morning when everything is fresh and the senses are alert after a good night's sleep. Today the air was filled with the combined smell of the sea and damp decaying vegetation. The summer choral splendour of a range of different birds has given way to the solo songs of the Robin and Curlews on the beach. The caravan and camping site is closed and the summer visitors all gone. Nothing to disturb the peace and quiet.

Although a few clouds did develop there was nothing to create the multi-coloured sunrise I was after. The only blips worth considering were those taken as the sun broke on the horizon. I quite liked this one because of the sun's reflection on the house windows on the right and the row of little mooring buoys that lead down to the sea.

By the time I reviewed all the shots I had taken and got some breakfast, I was much later than usual for my run. En route to the beach I was stopped by the retired fisherman who walks to the beach every day and told a whale had been sighted in the Bay. When I got to the beach I spoke to a dog walker who had seen the whale half an hour before as it headed off south towards Torrisdale. She also mentioned that a couple of Basking Sharks had been seen at the back of the Point over the last couple of days.

Couldn't help but feel if I had been keeping to my normal routine I would have seen the whale. Never mind, just have to keep an eye out for the sharks.

Just goes to show you - the early bird doesn't always catch the worm
sight the whale!

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