Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

A Breath of Fresh Air

Over the last 2 or 3 weeks I seem to have done nothing but fix technical problems with laptops, printer, broadband, phone, audio system and white goods. Everything just seems to have gone wrong at the same time.

However, the new telephone and broadband package is now in place with a new router and wi-fi signal booster installed. This should help us make best use of the unlimited broadband. Also in process of installing a wireless audio system, which will be controlled by our smart phones. All very technical and probably easier for a young geek to understand than an old blipper like me!

At the same time I have been trying to fix internet problems, with my web browser search engines having been hijacked by Delta, Search-Gol and other sods. Apparently they attach themselves to downloads and take over your search engine, while at the same time displaying all their stupid and most irritating adverts. The problem is who can you trust on the www to give you the right information, without having to pay for a download, which would probably just infect your PC with another bug? Anyway, after a bit of research I got the information I needed from Mozilla Firefox, who I have always found very reliable. Although time consuming, the problems seem to be resolved.

In the land of technology, as elsewhere, when one door closes another opens. Or in my case the fridge door was closed and wouldn't open again properly! The bottom hinge was knackered. Good old www via a clean search engine soon found the part - although at £44 it seemed like daylight robbery!

When the sun came out mid afternoon and just had to get out of the house with my camera for a breath of fresh air. Our wee camera club is running a competition on the subject of "Autumn" so I tried to get some autumnal shades in most of my blips.

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