Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Overdoing it..?

..I know, I know..

The thing is..  That when a small red character comes 'bob bob bobbing along' (aaalong!)... It's very difficult not to feel elated and joyful and camera happy :-)
Also, in my defence, there were few other birds (ok, no other birds) so cheeky.

We received our first Christmas card today. Late, for the senders in question, but still waaaay too early for me to have my Christmas fountain pen out to do any writing. It's a ritual, isn't it? The Christmas 'real ink' routine. I no longer get into the swing with a glass of wine in my hand though. (You can be too chatty... ? ;-/ ).

Changing the subject.
Those helpful little net balls (that make lots of lather with shower gel)?
They're not so helpful when the hanging-up loop lassoes a toe are they?
It is funny though (in retrospect) how panic so easily (and quickly!) ensues when a body part becomes stuck. 

Happy days.

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