Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


.. And Robin again.
(Well, it's hard to not, when she (I think?) is waiting each day now, and even seems to pose).
I shall stop soon, and blip something else but I am enjoying this at present.

Anyway, it's Christmassy.
I'm a little bit 'in the mood' now, having been to see the (even superlatives fail) Young 'Uns last night, in their Christmas woollies, wassailing like Good 'Uns.
They worked so hard on stage and spent the entire interval signing books and CDs.
Love 'em to little mint balls.

The journey home was 'interesting', as the predicted snow arrived as the forecast forecast... We left the gig in (admittedly cold) rain. Half an hour later we were on the moors in driving snow.

Talking about forecasts (and thrice forecasts), there seems to be a prediction for wine of the mulled variety locally.

Happy Friday one and all!

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