Buyer's regret

When I was in my late twenties and early thirties, my brother, Wol, suggested on a number of occasions that we might go back and visit Hong Kong, where we grew up. I was always reticent about this; my memories from that period - aged eight to twelve - seemed quite fragile and faint, and I was worried going back there might somehow overwrite them.

Lately, I seem to be once again taking conscious care of my memories, particularly when it comes to gigs. Having seen Gary Numan perform 'Replicas', 'The Pleasure Principle', and 'Telekon' in London a couple of years ago, I decided that's the last time I would see him live, similarly Simple Minds after their (tremendous) '5x5' tour.

I mention this because I had tickets to see Orbital, this evening. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan; they were always a bit too dancey for me. (In all the time I've been doing the radio show, I think I've played maybe three or four tracks by them.) But when we were at Bluedot this summer, I went along to their set, thinking I'd watch the first fifteen minutes or something, and remained mesmerised for, I don't know, an hour and a half? Two hours?

It was an amazing spectacle: the festival, the music, the lights, the sheer volume... I was hungry to see it all again. So when they announced tonight's gig at the Apollo, I was there online sharp as the tickets went on sale and I was delighted to get a pair for me and the Minx.

But then I had a different kind of buyer's regret; did I really want to see them again? Wouldn't it be better to keep the memory of Bluedot. But hey, I was going with the Minx, it would be a good night out, whatever. But then her operation was put back by a fortnight, so she wouldn't be able to come. I nearly baled then but she suggested I invite Dom, which I did, but then, yesterday, he said he was too ill to go. 

So I decided I wouldn't go after all. I'm still not 100% certain that was the right decision but I do know I'm happy with my memories. 

-13.4 kgs
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