Chocolate Chops

These evenings out are killing me! Another evening meeting tonight, which we managed to at least get to because Ben went to his friends' house for the evening (curled up on their sofa after their kids went to bed, said he was going to sleep there with his blanket, wouldn't give Hayley a cuddle, and fell asleep!), Steve went early to set up the PA and Charley and I walked there in the hope he'd go to sleep.

Which he did.

And then woke up when the singing started.

And would NOT go back to sleep.

Hey ho.

Took Charley swimming again this morning and although he wasn't especially happy with the amount of submersions we did, he has learnt that the noodle isn't evil, and that reaching alternate arms for the balls means he doesn't squash his face up in the armdiscs!

Fell asleep on the sofa when we got home. Haven't done that since pregnancy, I don't think. No more evenings out for me for a while!!

Oh and this photo - Ben wanted more chocolate fingers. I wouldn't let him til he'd let me take a nice photo of him. He has a proper annoying cheesy fake grin!! Eventually Steve tickled him and I caught the cheeky happy grin that I was after :D

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