Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Millenium green

The old ash pathways have been tarmacced so that children can safely ride their scooters and bikes. Painted road markings will in time make the children aware fo the road markings.

In other news a pair of brothers deliberately crossed the road in front of a yummy mummy heading to school. When I bollocked them their mother just shrugged her shoulders, she was trailing two girls. The new one way school run drop off area is working well. Until a 3 year old ran ahead of her mum and nearly into the grill of a very slow moving car this morning. My shout of "STOP!" froze everybody except the child who merrily wheeled her little body through the pedestrian gate. Her mum was really scared.

The school run hours are the most dangerous in this country IMHO. IF, repeat IF ladies/gents could please drag their tired carcasses out of their pits 5 minutes earlier there would be fewer scary moments.

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