Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

'We'll hunt the wren', said Bobbin to Robin*...

.. I clearly still have an earworm from the concert the other night, as the catchy folk tune of 'Hunting the Wren'* is still in my head.
And I am certainly a bit too early for St Stephen's Day, from whence the folk tune originated I believe. (The story/myth goes that God wanted to know which bird was 'King of the Birds'. So a challenge was set to see which bird could fly highest and furthest. The wren, knowing it could do neither, hid under the eagle's wing. The eagle (being the only bird left) began to flag. At this moment the naughty wren emerged from its hiding place and soared higher and further than all the others).
So, I guess for its cheating, it was hunted. (According to myth).

I should have accompanied that story with the image of a wren, but my pal the robin posed so prettily (and surely its tiny feet were frozen) that it had to be the robin.

I am full (sooo full) of carbohydrates that I might as well have just snorted a bag of flour. A new bakery has opened in town. I popped in during the week and bought Himself a sausage roll, which he declared the Best Ever as it contained cranberries and hazelnuts.
I went to treat him to another today, and the fateful words were uttered,
'a meat one or a veggie?'..
They do a veggie version??
It also contained cranberries and hazelnuts and was quite the most delicious 'unsausage roll' I have ever had.

I'm going to have to find a different way into town, because their sour dough bread is also Way Up There...

..And crumbs for Robin too :-)

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