Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Breakfast and beyond

Don’t you just love it when a plan works out? We actually got up early and went in to the local town centre. Had breakfast at the much improved local Bills where the manager remembered our vegan credentials. By the evening we had shopped, had a haircut (in my case), posted a parcel to the Girl Racer in Canada, fixed bathroom lights, watched a movie and cooked and eaten a curry. And bumped into a few old friends. All normal but happy stuff. Mind you -

I was in the queue at the post office when an eighty year old Portuguese man turned round and asked me what the future would be like if machines absorbed human consciousness. Unusual as conversational opening gambits go. We chatted for about fifteen minutes (it was a long queue) and he quoted the bible and Robbie Burns extensively at me. One of the highlights of my day.

Tomorrow we decorate the Christmas tree.

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