I looked to the Sky with Excited Eyes
There's always one day, isn't there, when it suddenly dawns on you that Christmas is almost upon you.
It happened to me today - we were looking for a Christmas present we had spotted a couple of months ago, but forgot about, and decided we better make a move.
we visited two garden centres, bedecked with holly and an overdose of christmas lights and songs, And I bah, humbugged the lot of it,and then as we drove home, in the setting sun, Greg Lake singing like a lintie on the radio, I thought, it's Christmas, almost.
and then I glanced to the sea,aware that my two babies, are at other ends of the worlds, and then I thought... is that a mist rolling in? So Himself offered to drop me at the beach, so that I could see.
We parked in the car park at the dunes, and I couldn't see - I had to climb a dyke and scramble over the dune, and then I met this.
It was so beautiful I almost sobbed. There was an audible gasp. I couldn't believe how amazing the light was right in front of my eyes. Not a fog, in sight, but a little family standing, like me, in awe of the sky and the sea, and not only that; two young lassies having a swim, in -3 air temperature. I can only imagine what the sea felt light.
I stood and gazed and gazed, apart from getting slightly darker,it didn't loose any of it's glory... father round the bay was just as beautiful - see extra.
Take time to stop, and smell the roses, and take in the view.
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