Xmas Lights

The tidying mania reached super nova today as I tackled the cupboard under my stairs! I only went in there to find  my cookie cutters as I had seen how to make dry felted decorations using mini cutters. I have a whole load of them covering Christmas, Easter, Mexican Day of The Dead, shape, size, farm animals ...you get the picture?! Having found them I sorted them, threw away the naff ones, cleaned the rest which filled the whole of the dishwasher, and then started to sort all the things I had pulled out to get at them! I discovered another iron - can you believe that?! There were other electrical goodies - candyfloss maker, chocolate fountain, doughnut maker, old coffee machine, smoothie maker! They should all go as I can't remember the last time I used any of them! But I was flagging by this point so just rearranged them! 
High on the fact I now have an accessible cupboard I decided to go into Gunnislake to get some photos of their Christmas lights. Last time I had been down there to collect a parcel from the Post Office, I had a good look at them all and thought they'd be fun to blip. I had also seen a lovely red washing up bowl I fancied! My green one is 17 years old!!! As I had neither money nor my camera on me as I had gone from the hens lock up, it had to be a return trip! 
The orange building at the end of the street is where I saw the washing up bowl. It has a sign saying it is the last shop in Cornwall! Head down to the right and you go down to the bridge crossing the Tamar river into Devon! The shop is an Aladdins cave of curiosities - part hardware, part ornaments, it is run by an aged man and his cute dog wearing a fake diamong collar!  I spotted a set of white wooden star lights for £5 so bought them as well! The aged man tested them for me and let me keep the batteries! Having returned my goodies to the car i then set forth with my tripod and had much fun with the cars!
On returning home I unfortunatly had a less than pleasant evening fighting anxiety. I hadn't eaten since lunchtime so can't believe it was heartburn, but that's what it feels like minus any acid reflux, just a heaviness in the chest and feeling I  need to burp. I took all manner of herbal teas and yoga positions to relieve it and a few hours later I finally burped! Madness! I shouldn't let it make me so anxious, but it takes me right back to how I felt  on the allotment. For what seemed like the umpteenth time I had to remind myself that it's nothing alarming, it will pass, nothing is going to happen to me! I also tell myself the more I worry about it the more my anxiety level goes up and the more trauma I am flooding my system with! So damn irritaing and frustrating after my glorious day yesterday! 
 Interestingly on reading up about heartburn / indigestion, if indeed that is what it is,  it seems like I should avoid most of the foods I eat as a  vegetarian and avoid coffee and carbonated drinks. I have reduced my coffee to one a day and don't drink fizzy drinks!  But I then read an article saying eat and drink them to help bring up wind! Since I don't really know if the wind is caused by the food I eat or maybe the lack of eating regularly,  I don't really know what to do about it! I just wish my system would settle the hell down! This week I have an appointment with The herbalist, one with a Reflexologist and the phonecall with the Dr. One  or all of these should surely help!!

P.S. The clock in my extra is telling the wrong time!

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