One Day Like This...

I spent most of the day on my allotment! Getting Friends carpet down to my plot and laying it down was easy - not so easy was moving the carpet already there! It's about 10 by 8 ft and heavy! I constantly went from one end to the other trying to pull it over itself and cover the next band of raspberries and a general unsightly tangle of herbs, grass and weeds! Good job I had an oat snack bar to fortify me! Once that was done I dug over the next patch where some new strawberry plants are going and pulled up the giant cosmos that the cold weather had finally killed. The birds were most interested in seeing what grubs I had disturbed and I had 2 robins, a wren and a blackbird keeping me company! I heard before spotting the blackbird having a dip wash in my metal trough.See if you can spot it and the robin! I also saw a Jay fly into the trees! The whole time there were intermittent showers of hail - much nicer than rain as it doesn't make you so wet! Plus it really didn't feel that cold - that is until I sat down on Friends carpet to do my meditation!  I should have kept my gloves on! But it was just heavenly being there all by myself - the sun shining, the hail gently dropping on me and birdsong coming from every angle. 
It was 2 O'clock by the time I headed home, and before even opening my front door I set to on my front garden - clearing a persistent bramble and the rapacious honeysuckle, and cutting back the huge Mexican Orange Blossom shrub that is totally blocking light getting to my small front garden! A quick hour of rest then back to the allotment to put the girls to bed! Home to make my favourite dinner of garlic mash, fried aubergine and halloumi and a honey, lemon and olive oil dressing! What an absolutely beautiful day! 
As Elbow sings -  " One day like this a year'd see me right"

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