Early Splashes

2years 356days

About 1am this morning, Katie said to me "I want a bath. No not when its light. Now". I told her very clearly that was not something that would be happening. At 630, we got up for the day. By which time, she refused point blank to go in the bath of course. She did go in the bath, obviously, but with protest. She then refused to come out the bath. Stubborn little treasures, these toddlers, arent they!

In other news, our beloved meitai arrived back to us yesterday after a little trip for a modification. It came back with a very gorgeous snuggly hood attached. I took it with me when I went for Katie and carried her home. She insisted on having the hood up the whole time and snuggled right in, falling asleep before we got back to the house.

Her spots havent got any worse - we seem to have got off lightly here. There's only one on her face, some in her mouth. A few blisters on her hands, spots on her arms and a fair amount on her bottom and lower legs. And no temperature or general unwellness at all. So we have very definitely got off lightly, for which I am grateful! Thankyou all for your kind wishes.

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