Good job she's cute

2years 357days

Ohhh is it a good job she's cute. This was taken at 2.30 am. For part of the night, she insisted on sleeping in this sleeved blanket thing, naked. So everytime her legs came out or her arms or whatever, she got annoyed. She wanted some milk, but had to have it in her cup so she had to be sat up and properly awake to do that. All at 2.30 in the morning. But, somehow - somehow perhaps due to maternal love-goggles, she still looked cute and beautiful. She did decide to listen to Mummy at about 3am and asked to snuggle under the duvet with me. And when I say snuggle, she lies on my chest with her head under my chin and she strokes my elbow, arm, face. I admit I rather like those snuggles. But where's the caffeine?!

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