Room With a View

I saw a Reflexologist today. The Japanese lady used to own and run a retreat in Japan, then her now husband who is a dancer and choreographer, stayed for a week after a performance and she fell in love and moved to the UK! The session was really interesting - nothing wrong with my liver, holding tension in my head and shoulders, issues in my solar plexus ( no surprise there! )and inflamation in my right ear. The latter was really startling as I had asked my Dr to check that ear for wax as it felt funny - she saw nothing wrong! 
She stated that I had lost confidence in my body - how true! However  I realised it went much further when she said that. I had thought I had been listening to my body but actually I had been trying to control it. For the last 7 years I have been dealing with events beyond my control, and for a control freak that has caused me issues! This is just one more thing I have been trying to control, instead of trusting my body and helping it, me, to heal. So I intend to work with my body, trust it, reassure it, support it. 
The issue of control fascinates me - how perhaps the need for control stems from fear not strength. This quote perhaps sums up my thoughts:-

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. 
Marcus Aurelius

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