The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We put up our tree today. Many moons ago I had perfectly coordinated trees. One year it was red and gold, another was silver and purple. Then I had children. And they made things. And insisted on them going on the tree. The first year this happened, I have to admit that I struggled with my inner OCD. ‘No, not there’. ‘I’ll just move this one slightly…to the back’.

The following year, I cunningly decided to get 2 trees to avoid this happening again.
One in the living room for me to decorate and one in the hall for The Princesses to vandalise.

They were not happy with this situation and I realised that I was being a tw@t. The following year we all decorated the tree together*. The end result looked like something had vomited multicoloured bobbles and lights all over it, but everyone had great fun. The Princesses were beaming and it was exactly how it should be.

This has continued every year until today. The OCD made a return. Once again, the calls of ‘No, not there’ were heard. There was huffing, puffing and a furrowed brow. Bobbles were rearranged to ensure symmetry.

Only this time, it was The Eldest Mini Princess!

Apparently it is not ok to call her a tree nazi.


*Although as far as I can tell, The Prince’s main contribution to the decorating is to eat at least half of the chocolates before they get anywhere near the tree.

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