Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Some kind of woodpecker!

Imagine my surprise when I looked out the window and this woodpecker was sitting at the birdbath on the back porch.   I hate that I have to take photos through the window because I can't get it sharp.  I  looked this up because I thought it might be a yellow bellied sapsucker.   Blip birders let me know for sure!    

After I got this photo, the brown thrasher showed up at the bird feeder.  I have not seen them for a while so I am wondering if it might be the pair we have in the yard every year!    

I told Jerry we need to make another bird for big birds that like large seeds like sunflowers and then one for the little birds like finches.   Happy to report I homemade feeder has still had no squirrel access!   Too high and too far away for jumping and no way to climb up the pole!   

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