
By RaceyTrace333

It,s up and working....

Netflix that is!

I know some of you will be thinking other things. Lol. I have been without last couple if nights, and because majority if friends are back in UK I have no one to talk to as your all in bed already or on the verge as my evening starts here.

I went round to my CEO's last night, which was nice, we stand talked and her oson gave me a Harry Potter book to read.

Whilst there i saw cockroaches shame didn't have camera a the light on him showed him as a deep golden red.

I hear the weekend in UK going to be wet! Well i am hopefully off to the beach. Temperatures have dropped a little here, can feel it in the mornings. Although we are still having highs of 85°

The weekend is upon us. Cannot believe where this week has gone. I am nearly half way through my US experience. 5 weeks to go!

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