Christmas Eve Eve

OK, I have all the presents bought. That's the biggest stress over and done with*. I even have most of them wrapped, which is unprecedented (and entirely down to the Minx's sense of self-preservation, having suffered previous Christmas Eve's with me.)

That leaves three things to do, this weekend: get in a long run; record the radio show; and get ready for guests, tomorrow evening. In the end, I decided to record the radio show, this afternoon, while Dan was at work and Abi popped down to her mum's, as that takes up the most mental space.

The show I recorded, today, is the hundredth edition of #ElectronicEars that I've made for Cando FM (I previously recorded 93 for Indigo FM). I've enjoyed it more and more of late. After five years or so of doing it, I think it's actually becoming something that I can be properly proud of, even if I do still need to get better at the actual sound recording aspect.

*Start early, it's fun and enjoyable. Start late, less so.

-12.7 kgs
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