St Agnes

Today's the day ........................... to select

We're heading up to Edinburgh tomorrow to join another bit of the family for our usual after-Christmas gathering.

As I said last year, there's one tradition that has been happening at these gatherings from time immemorial - the annual Christmas Golden Oldie slide show.  And I really do mean 'slide' show, as in the old 35mm photographic slides.  So tonight, we've been doing a bit of sorting through the boxes to select a few to show, that we hope will bring back a few memories/make the younger generation laugh a lot.

Here's an example of the sort of thing - taken somewhere around 1960 in St Agnes, when we were on holiday in Cornwall.  That's me on the far right, my sister Marj, my Mum and then my brother Ron.  I can hear the comments now about his stick-thin legs - and we won't start on those ears .........................!   

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