Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

You bassa!

Bed for Mr Bootneck at 2100 last night, fatigued following a day of two grandchildren and one pup.
Woke up at midnight, 0230, 0530 and finally 0715 expecting to hear whimpering cries from the hound to be let out as she will not mess in the house, one of the benefits of bitches is that they are generally quicker to house train, same applies to the female of Homo Sapiens.

Anyway, at 0715 I stumbled through, had to drag her from her crate, throw her outside and watch as she performed. She hurtled back in and we sat and shared my sugar puffs. There is no greater love than a chap sitting in his dressing gown and ugg boots holding a sleeping puppy while watching the sun come over the hedge, allowing Mrs Booty 2 more precious hours of sleep.

I'm a bloody bon oeuf I am!!!!

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