The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Jingle Bells

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I woke up at 7 am feeling VERY excited. As we had instructed the Youngest Mini Princess not to wake up until 8, I knew I’d have to wait. 8 am came and went, 10 past, 20 past... I was NOT happy. Even Murphy was still asleep. I prodded the Prince who informed me that it wasn’t Christmas for another 5 mins. I eventually broke and got up at 8.50. YMP ran out of her room like Zebedee on speed as soon as I opened my bedroom door. She had been lying in her bed anxiously awaiting sounds of movement and was so excited that I think she was speaking in tongues!

We all went downstairs. My favourite part of Christmas is the look on the Princesses faces when they walk into the living room and see all of the wrapped presents. I think it is probably the accumulative memories of past Christmases, from my own childhood through to two little faces looking up at me earnestly and proudly announcing that they must have been REALLY good girls!

The five of us had a lovely few hours opening fab presents, eating chocolate for breakfast and giggling. The Mini Princesses were particular amused by Santa’s genius present of bubble wrap suits which are to be worn for rolling around on the floor and popping bubbles! Murphy was less impressed by the suits but he had a great time opening the presents in his stocking and eating the paper!

Victor, Mary Doll, Bro, Sis-In-Law, Nephew and Niece came round for Christmas dinner. Mary Doll came round with about 8 massive bags and filled the living room with presents for us. The Prince may have tried to suggest that there may be a genetic link when it comes to Christmas lunacy but I chose to ignore him!

It was a lovely day. There was some ‘organised fun’ at the end of the meal but we managed to stop at the right time before any arguments broke out. Mary Doll did make me laugh by opting not to wear her glasses. She completely made up the words on the joke in her Christmas cracker because she couldn’t read it and then tried to clean off some cranberry sauce she had spilled on her top until I pointed out that it was actually one of the flowers on the pattern!

Everyone headed off about 8 and Biker Chick came round for a few glasses of Prosecco. When she left, it was snowing! A lovely way to end the day.


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