Sneaky Peek

By SneakyPeek


Me: Fork 'andles.

Shopkeeper: Four Candles?

Me: Fork 'andles.

(Four candles are placed on the counter)

Me: No, fork 'andles!

Shopkeeper: Well there you are, four candles!

Me: No, fork 'andles! 'Andles for forks!

Actually, that's not quite how the dialogue went as I wasn't looking to buy fork handles or even candles but some WD40. Have you ever tried to buy WD40 when you're nowhere near a B&Q or Halfords? It's damn nigh on impossible let me tell you! I eventually decided to abort my mission and head home when I passed a shop called Pilrig Motors on Leith Walk. A quick inspection of the window told me that this may just be the kind of place that stocked the odd can or two of the now rather elusive WD40 so I decided to venture in. The very helpful owner searched high and low but couldn't find any (surprise, surprise!). He did, however, have some cans of Q10 but this was deemed too expensive for my purpose (by him I may add, not me) and, after further discussion, it was decided that I couldn't go wrong with some Carlube General Purpose Handy Oil. It was a done deal and, just as I was about to pay, up popped the adorable Suzy to say hello. Apparently, Suzy is very used to having her photograph taken as she often sits in the shop window where passers by just can't resist taking a quick snap. I really liked Pilrig Motors and was delighted with the service I received so, the next time I'm passing, I'm going to pop in with a box of dog biscuits for Suzy. If you're ever in the vicinity, why don't you do the same? You won't regret it. Tell them Jezzebela sent you.

Ps The first person to guess correctly what I needed the lube for wins a £1.

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