
Today was nearly perfect. I woke up late (for us) with the Minx and we started the day with coffee and presents in bed. I'd been a little nervous about the gifts I'd bought her but then, as she opened them, I knew they were right. And her presents to me were as lovely and thoughtful, as ever. (She is excellent at thoughtful gifts.) 

Then she set off to have lunch at her mum's while I got things ready for the girls' arrival from their mum's place, which is just outside Lincoln.They had a good drive up and as soon as they arrived we opened the Prosecco and the party started. (When I say the girls, I mean Charlie, Hannah, and Milly, as Izzy is working in Jordan and her absence is what put the 'nearly' in nearly perfect.)

Dan and Abi arrived around 5pm and then we had presents, which was just as fun and noisy as you'd expect, and then everyone sat around chatting while Charlie and I (but most Charlie) sorted the food, so we could sit down for a Christmas meal. And, as suits the sprawling, non-nuclear nature of our family, we were joined by the girls' half-brother, John, who's always welcome in our house. 

And then it was time for my favourite part of Christmas Day; reading a new book, eating chocolates, and drinking wine. 

-13.8 kgs
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