Reigning Queen
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
We had a very relaxed day. Other than insisting that The Mini Princesses came out on a walk, we pretty much sat on our bums reading and eating. I bravely forced myself to drink some lovely red wine later which helped make the subsequent card games much more bearable, although, I think I might transform into psychotic killer devil if I hear ‘What’s trump?’ ever again.
While we were sitting about, I had a little flashback to being there when The Mini Princesses were about 3 & 5.
There were 7 of us sitting having lunch. My MIL had given The Mini Princesses their drinks in some old Queen’s Silver Jubilee commemorative mugs:
Eldest Mini Princess studied the mug with interest.
‘I know that’s a picture of the queen but what does ER mean?’
The Prince explained that it stands for Elizabeth Regina.
EMP: Ah, what does Regina mean?
Prince: It means reigning queen.
At this point,Youngest Mini Princess tugs on my sleeve with a furrowed brow.
‘MUM MUM, I thought your Regina was your…’
Her head bends down and she nods to her lady parts.
Me (trying not to snort with laughter): No darling, it means reigning queen.
YMP: MUM MUM, what did you say the word was for my ...
Another nod
Me: Vagina
There was definitely tumbleweed in the kitchen that day.
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