The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Card Shark

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Normals headed up to Banchory to visit The Prince’s parents. Annoyingly the lurgy came back to bite me today. I do rather resent feeling rubbish on my days off. It feels unfair*

The Prince’s parents live between a river and a forest. It is stunningly beautiful up here. Especially in winter. The forest is covered with spongy moss which makes you feel like a carpet had been rolled out for you to walk on. I fully expect to see wood elves in there. Thankfully, I already have my wood elf name just in case!

We went for a forest walk before dinner but to my horror (and that of my in-laws), I couldn’t drink or eat dessert. This behaviour is so atypical that I’m surprised they didn’t phone me an ambulance. I did manage to stay up for the obligatory game of cards (a variation of whist) which is made all the more entertaining by my MIL having had a few glasses of wine**…

Round 1

Dealer ‘Diamonds are trump’

MIL ‘Ok. What was that again?

Everyone ‘Diamonds’

MIL (Singing): ‘Diamonds are a girls best friend’

First hand is played

MIL ‘What’s trump?’

Everyone ‘Diamonds ’

MIL (Singing): ‘Diamonds are a girls best friend’

Second hand is played

MIL ‘What’s trump again?’

Everyone ‘DIAMONDS. Concentrate’

MIL: I’ve had too much wine to even care. I don’t want to concentrate.

Repeat above until end of game (15 rounds later). At this point, everyone was openly crying with laughter.


*Stamps feet. Throws toys out of pram.

**My absolutely brilliant MIL is not a complete lush. She gets squiffy after about 3 glasses of wine (possibly due to cooking and running about after 7 people) and stays like this for the rest if the night.

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