More Snow

Firstly I’d like to say a big thank you for all your comments, stars and hearts on my 2000th blip yesterday. It’s almost at the top of the Popular page, not far behind Emsie!

We’ve stayed local today as it’s our last day here, and it was lovely and sunny this morning, so we took the boys for a walk through the vineyards, and then came back to the apartment for lunch.

This afternoon we went to see Dominique to pick up a few cases of wine to take home, and then we went back to pack. It felt cold enough to snow, yet the forecast was for rain, and sure enough, as we were walking back there were light flakes in the air. We didn’t think it would amount to much, but a couple of hours later it had got quite heavy.

Tonight we went back to the Winstub for a drink and I’d told Dominique that we’d buy her a glass after all those free ones she’s given us, yet somehow I think the last round was on her again!

She’s a lovely lady and has said that if we go again during the harvest season, she will take us to their vineyard to watch the ‘vedange’ and we can even eat the grapes. She said they’ve just bought a small house adjoining their property which they’re going to rent out as a gîte, so we may well do that sometime.

Anyway, it’s stopped snowing and it’s all melted which is good as we have an early start in the morning.

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