youngies journey

By youngie66

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Well as I said yesterday I would be sitting spare today not many dodgers in the messroom so I had to be content with Costa Coffees and a wander around the station and decided on using my zoom lens to capture this shot from platform 7 looking through to the other side of Calton North Tunnel sorry if it has taken a while to catch up with everyones blips but we have another four Canadiens staying with us this week Sandra's elderly aunty and her grown up son and daughter and a grown up grandkid so we were unable to get much time off this week to take them touring Sandra's aunt is the last of thirteen siblings left now and she decided to come back to Scotland to where her grandfather came from when I first met her ten years ago eight of her siblings including Sandra's Gran were still alive but now Barb is the last one so hopefully she enjoys Scotland London and Paris on a sadder note from my point of view Costa Coffee is closing down in the station I dont know if it is due to the continuing refurb of the station but they are moving out and as far as I have been told I dont think they will be back it was there biggest earning coffee shop in Edinburgh and I would like to wish all the Costa staff well when they get moved to other outlets and thanks for great coffee and the odd freebie as well although I did pay for my Lattes today off my huge euro million winnings all £8.90p of it so not a bad day the downside of to much caffiene in a quiet messroom was that I couldn't get my forty winks Lol all in a days work I suppose anyhow enough of my ramblings I dont know about everyone else on blip but now I know how a journalist must feel trying to make a deadline so apologies if I have missed a comment on a blip of someones Maybe I should hire a member of Costa staff to type my dictations on your blips make life a lot easier I guess I need a bigger lottery win than 8 quid for that though cheers again Casey Jones :-)

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