Gitama's World

By Gitama

Tough Love

There is a bigger and deeper love affair going on between those two right now.......both have as much rough love as the other.

I haven’t been blipping much lately.......for two reasons that come to mind.
1. I seem to put a bit too much pressure on myself and spend too long on the pic that I want to post.........usually..........silly really as I could of just blipped from my bed anything ...with my iPhone.......for the time I have been incompacitated and floating amongst the the planets.
2. I have been so sick and miserable that I haven’t had much to report except...well...miserableness. And as much as your get well wishes have been so lovely and have cheered me becomes somehow a little embarrassing that it seems to be the only thing I am communicating. Ahhhh I don’t know if that makes sense and it has only come to mind that I could of turned of comments.

Unfortunately a trip to the doctors and more tests and still no end in sight....I fear the ‘getting better’ is going to take a bit more time yet....i’m fed up Nurse Ratchet (Jaiya) points out I am not a good patient......I feel sorry for myself and moan......and......I have no patience.

I surf around blip to check on you and respond where I can...especially to those with big blip Days.

I came across a post from Steve Hughes.....(.I was an avid follower of his gorgeous journal many moons ago)....I noticed  he had posted a pic of ASG...(another person I used to follow ..loving his journal and the amazing pics he would post from Afghanistan).....I clicked on the pic to check on those Welshmen only to read that he ASG had passed on....I felt gutted .......and a sadness has stayed with me for a few days now.....not only was he a nut job (I love nut jobs).....he had such an immense love for his little daughter Poppy....who I know will miss her Dad so much...they were like two peas in a pod.

One thing she will have though..........when she gets older and wants to know who her Dad was....she will have his Blip journal to look back on and perhaps will know more of him via that than anybody could relate to her........It seems to me that Blip is a gift that keeps on giving.......In so many more ways than seems obvious.

Rest Well ASG

with love


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