Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Big Baby!

We had an astonishing interaction with a baby cockatoo and her mum today. The “Big Baby” was carrying on a treat and the noise was almost deafening. I was thrilled to see the little one (well not that little) fly down onto the large water bowl and timidly hide behind the grass while it had a big drink. It then flew off into a far tree to be with its mother. Well the squawking continued non stop and then I noticed the mother move towards the screamer. I was thrilled to capture a shot of the mother feeding the youngster. You really need to look closely but if you do you’ll notice that the young one is almost lying on its back. I have added three extras and I really urge you to view them.

This performance was going on again late tonight, too late to take photos but this was interspersed with a group of four Gang Gangs taking turns at the water bowls. It was like peak hour at Central Station here for a while tonight. I have to say our Billabong at Wombat Hollow looks like quite a humble affair after the magnificent one at Wombat Bend and we have to sit under an awning instead of a majestic gum tree, but I’m not complaining :)

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