Saturday: Exploring

After breakfast, K. and I spent some time looking around our neighbourhood, something we hadn't really done in daylight. We discovered some great little nooks and crannies, including a great little microbrewery, run by a couple from Seattle. We'll definitely be back - it was too early when we were there today.

We spent the afternoon by the pool, where we had a backgammon tournament with the girls. J, who early learnt to play yesterday, was the overall winner. Beginner's luck, I say!

This evening we met up with some friends of H and J's, who are also holidaying here this week, for a drink. They recommended their favourite restaurant, 'Jorge's Hideway' to us. We had a great meal there - it's subtitled the 'Shrimp Shack' so that will give you an idea of their emphasis.

Bed by 9.30pm! Goodness knows how we're going to stay up until midnight tomorrow.

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