Intentional Camera Movement / People (EP9)
This week’s challenge was suggested by DHThomas. I confess that this will be a challenge for me, too, as I found it quite difficult to produce an image that appealed to me. Voluntary camera movement is great when you apply it to patterns like tree lines (JohnGravett blipped a beautiful example yesterday) or other geometrical or more abstract, geometrical patterns. When you move your camera while the shutter is still opened, you will get either a blurred image or streaks - similar to a stamp that you drag over a piece of paper. It’s difficult to control and takes a lot of trial and error. That said, here are some observations and tips:
1. Adding intentional camera movement to a picture means you need time to move your camera while the shutter is still opened. This means you need slow shutter speeds. Today’s blip was shot at ½ seconds.
2. When shooting in daylight, use low ISO and small aperture. But you’ll still run the risk of getting a blown out shot – a mostly white original file. If you shoot in RAW, use Photoshop or other software extensively to retrieve information contained in the file. Extra 1 shows the original, straight out of the camera image. I then reduced exposure a little bit and added a lot of contrast and clarity. Low light conditions will probably result in better in-camera pictures.
3. The biggest challenge here is not so much technical but to shoot an image that “makes sense”. Here are some suggestions (but please don’t limit yourself to these – find other applications, be creative):
- shoot people on the move
- use ICM to create blurred, eerie, dreamlike images
- use ICM to create a sense of stress or to represent an inner state of agitation
In this challenge, you are free to use Photoshop or other comparable software extensively. But try to avoid adding elements from other images. I have added a few extras to illustrate how an image can be processed differently:
Extra 1 shows the original file straight out of the camera.
Extra 2 just enhances details and colours a little bit.
Extra 3 reduces the image to almost abstract forms. The bicycle is no longer recognizable.
Theme: People (or parts of people, like faces, hands, feet, etc.)
Tag: EP9
Go for: Artistic impression.
You can publish your contribution(s) on any day(s) until Saturday, January 13th. Don't forget to tag it with EP9.
The next challenge will be published on January 13th (suggestions for techniques/themes are always welcome). Hearts for this challenge will be awarded on Monday, January 15th.
Be curious, explore.
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