Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

The Poxy thing

The elder grandsprog has been given a day off school just because he has a Chickenpox rash all over his grotty body. So all the plans we laid for drinking tea and coffee, casually strolling the green sward with our angel of doom, known as Flossie, have been binned.

At least he has hairs on his chest! He's now an official Alpha Male, albeit with a propensity to describe the spots on his winkle to any female that approaches. Such behaviour may limit his amorous trysts in the longer term.

So like Grandpa.

In other news Mrs Booty was once again savaged by the pup. The pup is happy in her life. Little does she know what Mr Bootneck, evil barsteward in spades, has in mind for her.

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