Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

What the hell is happening

The elder grandsprog is with us again today as PoxyChickens are still affecting him. This has become an issue in our little abode as it transpires that Grandpa never had poxychickens as a yoof so may be exposed to the dreaded shingles. Oh Merde!

The lad was inspired to blow bubbles using this bubble blowing device. The hound, Miss Flossie Bootneck was inspired to collect the bubbles. Grandma was chief instigator, Grandpa was just phased as it's only 0900, still the middle of the night.

In other news...
Flossie has been fitted with her lurcher collar. These dogs are known to be bloody useless on a lead and are often known as Tug & Pull. Lurcher collars spread the load on their tiny necks.
Later news. Her new choke chain should arrive today. This is when Grandpa's knowledge of the Barbara Woodhouse training scheme comes into play. Little does the little bitch know what Grandpa and the late Ms Woodhouse have in store for Flossie.

Mwahahahahahahahahahahah Revenge will be mine!!!!!!!!!!!

Latest news at 0907. The stupid dog hurtled into the frame of the sliding door and sat there dazed. Blame is appointed proportionately in this house, therefore it's apparently my fault. Sod it. I wish the village pub was still in existence, I feel it's going to be one of those days.

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