
Today's the day ............................ to forecast

There's nothing like the topic of 'what is the weather going to do?'  to get everyone talking.  We get bombarded at every turn with forecasts - and, in order to catch our attention, they are usually made as extreme as they possibly can. 

This is what my mobile was saying at 12:53 hrs today, regarding the local weather.  And it was sort of right in that it was cloudy and it definitely felt colder than 2°.  I couldn't help noticing that tomorrow, we're going to have Dreary weather - not exactly a technical term - but I can imagine what they mean.  It is all a bit subjective though because I'm sure if you live in Switzerland and have had 6 feet of snow in 24 hours, or in California and you've been washed away in a mud flow, you might welcome some dreary-type weather.

In any case, the outside thermometer at our front door was actually saying 6° at the time this was saying 2° - so it looks like you can just take your pick as to which one you want to believe ......................

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