This is not a swan

The Minx was in our office, today*, and, as she was leaving, she turned and told us that as she'd been driving in along the A590, she'd seen a swan walking in the road, actually along the dual carriageway. I must admit that, at the time, it seemed like an odd parting anecdote but there you are. 

But then a little later, when I left the office, driving along the A65, somewhere between Barrows Green and Endmoor, I also saw a swan walking in the road. What are the chances of that?! I've never ever seen a swan in the road before. 

I wonder if it was the same swan? If so, it had made a journey of, I guess, three or four miles from the A590. And what were the chances that both the Minx and I would see it, on different roads at different times?

Unfortunately, I wasn't in a position to take a photo - I was in a stream of moving traffic - but by the time I reached Endmoor, I was so irritated by the missed opportunity that I turned back to photograph this strangely, superstitiously relevant swan. But there was no sign of it.

Instead, then, you can have a photo of this collapsed candle. I have two or three candles that are in boxes or jars like this. The problem is the heat stays in the space and melts the candle before it's had a chance to burn. Anyway, just thought I'd mention that in the absence of the swan.

*We are doing a project which was initiated by the Trust where she works.

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Reading: 'On Booze'. 

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