In the moment

There's this thing, isn't there, about meditation, when you're supposed to be in the moment and not thinking about anything. And I've never really got that. I mean, I have four times a week when I am purely alone with my thoughts - two swims and two runs - but I'm always thinking about something.

But then, today, I realised that I achieve exactly this state when I light the fire. I put a couple of logs in the grate, in an inverted V, then I put in an (eco) firefighter, build a grid of kindling around it (courtesy of Susan in 'Swallows and Amazons'), layer on some coal and put a log on top. Light the firefighter and sit back.

And this is the point, I have realised, at which I can achieve true meditation. I'm wide awake, in the moment, and totally absorbed by the fire as it catches and the flames spread. 

When I viewed this house for the first time, I didn't even notice the view. I just saw it had an open fire and enough rooms for me and the girls.

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Reading: Finished 'On Booze'. Now reading Andrés Barba's 'Such Small Hands'.

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