The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Home Comforts

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We had a lovely lazy morning with Basher and Shuvly eating breakfast and chatting before heading back to pick up the Mini Princesses and Murphy. They had gone for a long walk with May Doll in the morning and were gleefully telling me that Murphy has acquired a taste for horse poo. Nice.

Murphy decided he wasn’t leaving my side when we got home. It was blowing a gale by mid afternoon so he curled up on the sofa with me and had a disco nap! Sometimes I love it when the weather is hideous as it is perfect sofa weather without any of that ‘wasting an afternoon’ guilt. Especially on a Sunday.


PS. Murphy now seems to think he is a magpie. He has stolen his favourite things and taken them to his bed. This is why I get through so many pairs of slippers!

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