The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Good Old Days

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today Dodzilla found out that he isn’t getting a new contract. Instead of being sad, we took ourselves off to Dishoom for lunch and decided to be rebellious and have a (small) beer. I was ruminating on how much things have changed since I started work. There is a strict no alcohol policy now, whereas when I first started, we used to go to the pub every Friday at 11.45 am and get as many pints down our neck as possible (normally 4 - 6) before heading back to the office for 2.30. We could leave for the day at 3.45 pm so all we had to do was make sure we didn’t talk to any managers or break any code (as we were tw@tted). Occasionally, we decided that the hour and 15 mins was just too much and we would make a giggly call from the pub phone to take a half day.

I’m sure my liver is grateful for these changes, but it was great fun at the time.


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