Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


I was about to show you an attempt to catch a bird with my camera. A rather silly photo with a fleeing bird out of focus and in the middle of taking another flap with its wings. Like a flying potato, or something. Then I realized that I don't have PS installed yet, because I haven't got the printer installed yet so I can send the proper identifications to prove that I am a student so that I can install PS. At least I figured out how to get a photo from my iPhone to the iMac... All my other photos are still on my external hard drive and in iPhoto in my old iBook.
At least the iMac is at my home now. :) Next thing is to figure out how to transfer all of my music from the iBook to the iMac from iTunes...
So, the photo of the day is of my new computer. It's lovely and large and beautiful! :) It's even got a camera! And something called Photo Booth.

I've been rather boring for the last couple of days... not making any comments but I will get better with that! Promise! :)

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