Left or Right?

I felt better last night for my little diatribe. I just had to get that off my chest. News today indicates that the empire is beginning to crumble around him. I guess this is the time when he finds out who his true friends are.

I really want to respond back to those that have left thoughtful comments but I'm yet again working hard to deadlines. Today has actually gone quite well so I'm actually feeling a bit more buoyant than I have of late - but I do need a bit of a break having just got home.

I did manage to get out for an easy run at lunchtime, into Northcliffe Park, to explore a bit more of the wonderful woodland there. After a very wet start to the day the sun came out and it was very pleasant. I love this fork in the path. I don't think it's difficult to guess which way I went, but which path would you take?

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