Wick (Day 997)

The weather today has been fairly horrible. I was lucky to get a dry wander up the hill with the woofers this morning, but the heavens opened as I trundled through to Stromness later to deal with a couple of small jobs.
It was still raining as I got home later. 
The rain eased a little as I had lunch with  my  beautiful wife. By the time we were out for a wander at Lyde, the heavier rain had returned. We all got fairly wet, though Talisker managed to get wetter, spending an inordinate amount of time wallowing in puddles. The camera stayed in the bag.
Back home, we dried out and I did a bit of dull, boring paperwork. I followed HV to town later as she went to work and I collected some stuff for a job and paid a visit to the bank. 
I arrived home in the dark, without a blip, so I took a really rubbish bunch of pics of a candle. I will try harder tomorrow.

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