
By bananablip


It's FEBRUARY! Hooray!

There's so much sickness around at the moment that we decided to fill our Food Club kids with as many nutrients as we could tonight. As it turns out, most of our Food Club kids were ill and couldn't make it tonight.

Delicious spiced parsnip soup. And, oh my goodness, buttery herby fried croutons. Sooooooo good. Followed by a fresh fruit salad. I love Thursdays.

And, incidentally, soup and fruit don't give you a stitch like pie does.

The whole team were delighted today when new youth worker in the town, Craig, announced that he'd be bringing one of his baby twins to see us in the office (the other twin staying home with granny). I asked him how he'd choose which twin to bring. He said he'd just pick his favourite and leave the other one behind. Ha.

Baby Hannah came to see us, baby Bethany was left behind. Hannah was just over 2lbs when she was born and now, at six months, she's still a dot.

Ellie H now wants a baby for the office.

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