Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


That's what this would make. A nice difficult one.
I did a few snaps on the way into the office in Nuneaton's Riversley Park. Got one nice image but, as I got out the car in the car-park at the office I found this pile of fallen leaves on the grass right behind my car. The colours were lovely but I also like this mono shot that brings out the tones.

The rest of the day was a distinct anti-climax. Spent hours trying to work out why queries in a database were not returning any data - I know it's all there. I can see the raw data. Many hours head scratching, checking settings, deconstructing the whole thing to find at what point it would start working. I didn't at any point.

At the point of loosing the will to live, I asked my boss for a new copy and tried the whole thing again. No change!

We ran the same set on his pc and it worked fine. I checked all the ODBC drivers and connections again. They were all OK. I upgraded the package to my version of the database. Nothing. Ziltch. Nada!

Got to restart rebuilding the whole thing from scratch tomorrow. The whole shooting match. Good job I don't have a million other things to do....

Press "L" for leaf!

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